Thursday, May 21, 2009

Treating Allergies with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

With the much welcomed warm weather and spectacular show of spring flowers begins, for many, the allergy season. The biggest culprits for those runny noses and burning eyes are the prolific tree pollinators. These are followed by grass and weeds in late spring and summer. Add to this mold, animal dander, dust, dust mites and spores which are abundant year around and it’s a wonder we can breathe at all.

Available are a slew of over-the-counter medications promising temporary relief. Wouldn’t it be nice if the relief wasn’t temporary? Traditional Chinese Medicine treats not only the symptoms of allergies but the underlying imbalance of the immune system that leave the body exposed to allergies. Ever wonder why some people never have a reaction to the environment? Treating the whole body, the symptoms and underlying deficiency, in this way leads to long-term health benefits.

What are allergies?

Allergies are abnormal immune response to substances that are harmless for most people. In people with allergies, the immune system believes that a substance such as pollen or animal dander is harmful to the body. In an attempt to protect the body, the immune system produces IgE antibodies to the allergen. These IgE antibodies attach themselves to white blood cells known as mast cells which are primarily located in the lungs, upper respiratory tract, the lining of the stomach and the skin. When these cells are stimulated they release a number of chemicals including histamines. Histamines are the cause of the symptoms of allergic reactions. Future exposure to that same allergen will trigger this antibody response again. This means that every time you come into contact with that allergen, you'll have an allergic reaction.

Allopathic Medicine

Basic allopathic medications rely on inhibiting the allergic reactions. Anti-histamines work in this way. Others target the central nervous system (Alubterol or Epinephrine), cortico-steriods (prednisone) or work as de-congestants. This approach is combined with avoiding the allergen all together. When avoidance is not possible, small amounts of the allergen are injected into the patient. The amount of allergen is increased over time in an attempt neutralize the antibodies and desensitize the patient.

While allopathic medicine helps many to manage their symptoms it is usually not without side effects. Some people experience drowsiness, immune suppression, over-reliance on medication which sends many allergy sufferers in search of other alternative therapies to manage their symptoms. Many turn to their acupuncturists for advice and treatment.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM often views allergy symptom as related to Wind in that they come and go rapidly and cause. Wind is the term for any exterior pathogen or syndrome that can infect a person. This Wind often coexists with a Protective Qi Deficiency (Wei Qi) which can be loosely translated as a weakened or abnormal functioning immune system. People with Protective Qi Deficiency usually are prone to catching colds.

The acupuncturist also looks for constitutional or more deeply-rooted signs in each person who presents with allergies. TCM is a circular medicine in that all body systems rely on each other and are affected by each other. The principle here is treating the whole person. Often people with chronic allergies show signs of Spleen (loosely translated as metabolic/digestive) or Kidney (loosely translated as endocrine) Deficiency as well as Lung signs according to TCM. The goal of the acupuncturist is to develop a plan which addresses the person's acute symptoms and provides relief, while addressing the underlying immune system imbalance which is thought to be at the root of the person's allergies. Treatments often include dietary modification, the use of specifically chosen herbal formulas, and acupuncture. The length of treatment depends on the severity of the allergies and the constitution of the person.

About Bina

Bina Jangda is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She has a practice at 7th Heaven Yoga in Berkeley, CA and at Stillpoint Wellness Center in San Francisco, CA. She can be reached at, email: or by phone at 510.393.7565

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Blog, Bina. Nice information on an area that aupuncture shines in its effectiveness!. I am an acupuncturist in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada and have just begun to blog.
